BlowBackTM future post date: June 21, 2008
In a poll released today, President Bush's
job approval ratings remained steady at the same 38% result seen by major polls post-Hurricane Katrina.
Frank Newport, editor of the Gallup Poll, considers this result a "net zero--a 'basement floor' of support which cannot go any lower". According to Newport, "The consistent thirty-seven to thirty-nine percent approval ratings seen over the past three years show that every last person who could possibly disapprove of President Bush does, infact, disapprove of his job performance."
Consequently, many professional pollsters have dubbed the 38% mark the "idiot line", due to the fact that 38% of the American public are idiots. Explaining Bush's support among idiots, Newport explained that, "most idiots do not have access to the internet, are illiterate, and do not watch television outside of re-run reality shows and cable news."
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